Adam Ant
Manners & Physique


MCA Records

Catalogue Number
LPNC 6967

Matrix numbers
LP-NC-6967-A 28.v.90 RICO
LPNC-6967-B p.1 28.v.90 RICO


Release date

Side 1
Espacio em la Cima (Room at the Top)
Materia Ruda (Rough Stuff)
Si Continuas (If You Keep On)
Costumbres Y Fisico (Manners & Physique)
Al Amor no se le Ponen Reglas (Can't Set Rules About Love)

Side 2
U.S.S.A. (U.S.S.A)
Luces Brillantes Cuero Negro (Bright Lights Black Leather)
Piccadilly (Piccadilly)
Joven Tonto Y Orgulloso (Young Dumb and Full of It)
Enojo Incorporado (Anger Inc)

Adam Ant - vocals
Marco Pirroni - Guitars
Andre Cymone - Everything Else

The song titles on the record labels are translated into Spanish

The text on the back of the album sleeve is as follows:

El Disco es Cultura - The record is culture (sic)
Hecho en Mexico - Made in Mexico
Para su venta en Mexico Exclusivamente - For sale in Mexico Exclusively

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